
Lakewood Ranch Locals

In today’s day and age, we’re constantly faced with choices about what kind of business we partner with. Nation-wide and multi-location companies tend to have far-reaching brand recognition, which can positively influence their reputation. Customers (rightly or wrongly) associate familiarity with quality.


But there’s so much to be gained by doing business with an established local company, especially with regards to home and lifestyle services. Your pool is a major part of your investment as a homeowner, and your home is unique to its location. This is not a one-size-fits-all situation.


As a local pool-maintenance company, Bahama Blue is familiar with southwest Florida, from Lakewood Ranch to Anna Maria, and from Parish to Venice. We live here, so we know the environment, the climate, the architecture and the lifestyles of Sarasota-Manatee—and we know how these factors affect your pool and how you use it. For servicing your pool, you want pool techs who are literally immersed in the area.


If there’s something you need that we don’t offer, we can steer you in the right direction. Heck, we’re happy to tell you about our favorite beach spot or local pizza place, too.


And experience matters when it comes to pool technicians. We wear a lot of hats, including electrician, chemist, plumber, cleaner, small-motor mechanic and more. We don’t have a massive staff to fill, so we don’t need to settle on sub-par employees. We’re able to hand-pick our local technicians from a pool (so to speak) of talented southwest Florida residents. Our employees are also your neighbors.


Our solely local presence also means we’re entirely about relationships. We can’t hide behind a corporate structure; we’re right here when you need us, today, tomorrow, and years down the road. After all, you’re inviting us into your home. We understand how significant that is, and we’re determined to earn your trust. We can’t do business any other way.

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