It’s that time of year again! You’ve got shopping to do, meals to bake, guests to greet and presents to wrap. How do you find the time? But on top of all of that, here in Lakewood Ranch, we’ve got weather that encourages us to spend as much time around the pool as possible. Whether […]

Save Money with Lakewood Ranch Pool Maintenance
Highs in the 70s and technicolor sunsets for days—this is prime pool party season in southwest Florida. You want your pool in peak condition so you can truly make the most of this weather. But with the holidays fast approaching, we can understand why money might be on your mind. You might be trying to […]

How to Choose the Right Pool Filter
When it comes to pool maintenance, pool chemicals get all the attention. And they deserve it! Not only do pool chemicals do a vital job in making your pool safe to swim, but they can be very tricky to get right. But let’s not overlook the importance of the pool filter. Relatively speaking, it’s a […]

Is Your Pool Plumbing Leaking?
Detecting leaks in Florida pools can be tricky. Especially here in southwest Florida, from Lakewood Ranch west to the Gulf coast, because there is already water everywhere. And even though the average residential swimming pool holds well more than 10,000 gallons of water, even a little leak in your pool plumbing can cause massive problems. […]

Lakewood Ranch Pools Are for Pets, Too
In the height of summer, all of us appreciate our Sarasota-Manatee pools. Chances are, your pups are pretty excited about them, too. But is having your dog in the water affecting your pool? And, more importantly, is your pool safe for your pup? Why Some Dogs Love Pools—Especially in Summer Every dog owner knows that […]

Florida Summer Pool Services
Well folks, it’s hot out here in Lakewood Ranch. All part of living in paradise, right? Good thing we’ve got our pools to keep us cool. Of course here in peak pool season, you really need to keep on top of your pool services. After all, if you and your loved ones are going to […]

Lakewood Ranch Pool Resurfacing
When was the last time you had your Lakewood Ranch pool resurfaced? Concrete pools need resurfacing every 10 years, at the very least. Pools in Florida especially suffer the surface-damaging effects of our state, like intense sunshine, severe storms, wind and debris, and chemical fluctuations. An old or damaged pool surface never looks good. But […]

Out-of-Town Pool Maintenance
Do you have a lengthy and well-deserved summer vacation planned? Are you among the many southwest Floridians who spends a month or more out of state during the warmer months? Whatever your plans for the summer season, we hope it’s fabulous! Just one question before you leave: Who will look after your pool while you’re […]

Lakewood Ranch Pool Cleaning
Nothing ruins an idyllic southwest Florida day like a dirty pool. All you want to do is relax and go for a dip, and all you can see is mildew, dirt and floating debris. And do you really want to muck with all that yourself? No! Of course not. You want to open your back […]

Lakewood Ranch Pool Restoration: It’s Never Too Late
It’s a fact of Lakewood Ranch pool ownership: Pools require regular maintenance. We know this! That’s why Bahama Blue offers a full menu of regular maintenance services. We will be at your poolside on a weekly basis—or whenever you need us!—to keep your pool water, equipment, and surrounding area clean, balanced, maintained, repaired (as needed), […]

Why Lakewood Ranch Pool Maintenance is a Must
So you’ve got your pool all ready for 2022 and things are going swimmingly. When everything’s clean and operational, you’re probably not even thinking about a local Lakewood Ranch pool maintenance plan. Well, to be fair, we don’t want you thinking about pool maintenance, either. We just want you to leave that up to the […]

Maximize Your Southwest Florida Pool Environment
Your pool is more than just a hole with water in it. Time to treat it that way. Here in Sarasota-Manatee, pools should be a whole refreshing, rejuvenating experience—even if you never dip your toe in. After all, southwest Florida weather lets us enjoy the outside year-round. We should set up our pool environment to […]